Rowans Law (Hawks Ball Hockey)

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The OBHF is dedicated to keeping all athletes, coaches and leagues safe by not only knowing about Rowan’s Law but also recognize a possible concussion and the steps to take as an athlete, coach, league executive or parent.

“The Rowan’s Law concussion awareness rules came into effect on July 1, 2019. After that date, sport organizations must not register athletes under 26 years of age* into a sport activity unless they, as well as their parent (for athletes under 18), provide confirmation that they have reviewed one of the Concussion Awareness Resources within the previous twelve months. * Exception: A sport organization that is a University, College of Applied Arts and Technology or other Post-Secondary Institution must not register any athlete irrespective of age unless the same requirements are met.

Sports organizations must also not allow coaches, team trainers and officials to serve as a coach, team trainer or official for or in respect of the sport organization unless they provide confirmation that they have reviewed one of the Concussion Awareness Resources, every year.”